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Somewhere in My Heart (Tennessee Series #2) Page 4

  A familiar voice said, “We are so sorry. It is my fault.”

  Billie knew right away that it was Mr. Reid. She was surprisingly happy to see him. When she went up to him to speak, Ricky asked her, “Are the two of you lost? Do you need directions?”

  Mr. Reid laughed, “No, we are in the right place.”

  Billie looked at him and said, “We are?”

  He whispered, “I’ll explain later. Just follow my lead.”

  Ricky challenged, “You must be here for an appointment I set up yesterday. But, why didn’t you just come up to the house, like normal people?”

  Billie tried not to laugh, as her boss attempted to explain that one. He began, “I apologize, it’s just that it is our first time in Hawaii, and we just wanted to look at the ocean.” That answer seemed to fool Ricky.

  He approved, “Ok, just follow me to the house.”

  Billie was at a loss for words. They walked with Ricky to the house and then waited for him to put his horse in the stable. Billie nudged Mr. Reid. He cried, “What is the matter with you, still speechless? I don’t think I have ever seen you like this, and I mean never!”

  She demanded, “Are you going to tell me what you are up to, or do I have to guess?”

  Her boss assured, “I think I have finally found a story that you will love, more than any of the ones in the past. Which by the way, the last one was a bit wild. We had to print an extra million copies of it. You deserve this plan. I know how much you love Ricky Todd.”

  She whispered, “How did you know that?”

  He admitted, “I am your boss. I have known the entire time that you have worked for me. I also know that he was the one to inspire you to become what you are today.”

  Billie then asked, “How come you have never told me this?”

  He replied, “It just never occurred to me to bring it up in conversation. I found out when I talked to one of your ex-supervisors. He told me how you were always talking about him and going to Nashville. If you only knew how much I would love to tell Ricky what he has created.”

  Billie bargained, “Then, why don’t you?”

  He insisted, “He can’t know who you really are or this plan will not work.”

  Billie inquired, “What is this plan you speak of?”

  Mr. Reid said, “You are about to become a big replacement, as his new Manager.”

  Before Billie had the chance to say anything to him, Ricky showed up again. They went in to discuss things. Billie was not sure what she was supposed to be saying. All she could hope for was that it would be as close to the truth as possible. Mr. Reid did most of the talking, at first. He was pretending to be like her assistant. This was almost unbelievable. Why was she taking part in this charade? Couldn’t Ricky see right through it? Billie played her part very well. She wondered if she could get away with it after all. She could almost not stand it, the thought of being around him all of the time. She was getting excited about it. The good side was, she could get to know the real Ricky Todd. Once the interview was over, she talked to her boss about it some more. She wanted to know what he had to gain from all of this. He wouldn’t tell her straight, but she would probably find out sooner or later.

  Billie was hanging out at her hotel, when she received a call from Mr. Reid. He told her that Ricky had set up another meeting with them. He announced, “I think he is going to give you the job!”

  She worried, “Yeah, if I don’t blow it. What if he ran a back ground check on me?”

  Mr. Reid estimated, “You worry too much." Billie thought, with good reason, if you look at her life as of late.

  When they arrived, Ricky was there to greet them. He made small talk and then got down to business. He commented on how he didn’t quite feel right about having to hire someone to do Lydia’s old job. Billie could understand that, and maybe that’s why she was so shocked that he was looking for a new manager so soon. He brought up the fact that he had interviewed a lot of potential prospects, but one seemed to stand out in particular. Billie wondered how he would even consider her, but she knew her college courses paid off, so her experience and knowledge could play a huge part in this job. Not to mention all that she had learned previously, being around Chris and Bobby so much. She didn’t have to wait for him to continue, to know what he was going to say.

  Ricky told Billie, “Congratulations. You are officially my new manager. One word of advice for you: stay off of the beach late at night. I had to rescue a young lady the other night. It saddens me to think of all of the people that are in danger today.”

  The shock had not worn off yet. Billie was still trying to let this news sink in, then it hit her. He was the one who saved her the night on the beach from Chris. She couldn’t say anything to Ricky because then he would know it was all a game. She knew someday she would have to tell him the truth. She had to live out a few fantasies first before spoiling it all.

  Her boss wanted to take her out to celebrate. Even though she would rather hang out with Ricky, she had to accept the invitation since he was responsible for her getting the job. Mr. Reid showed her some pointers on how to be the perfect entertainment manager. He used to manage some bands in the 70's and 80's. Billie told him that she wasn’t sure she could go through with it. She was afraid once people found out, they would blow her cover. He told her not to worry about it and that everything would be fine. He made sure that she knew that if she ever had any problems or questions, to call him and he would help her out.

  Billie now had burdens galore, and had no idea what she was about to do or why. One thing’s for certain…this was the opportunity she had been waiting for and she couldn’t believe it was actually happening. Mr. Reid had brought her stuff to her from Nashville. She had it in her apartment, and was about to be moving to Ricky’s estate. She was waiting for someone to say, “Jokes over!” or for someone to pinch her.

  After Billie was settled, Ricky set up a meeting for her with his fan club president. They had a lot of details to work out before Billie was to understand her responsibilities. That was when she realized it was not all it was cracked up to be. It was hard work. It was worth it for her. She understood why Ricky had admired Lydia so much. She had pretty big shoes to fill.

  In no time at all, Billie had the hang of it. It’s like she was born to do it, a natural. Ricky’s first big assignment in a while finally came along. He was going to have a major role in a western movie. One other special person to Ricky was also involved in the project, his brother Dennis. He had been in another movie already with him. Dennis was hoping to have a speaking part this time. Billie was thrilled to get to work with both brothers.

  She had been so busy learning everything there was to know about Ricky, that she didn’t already know, it was now time for Ricky to get to know some about her. She helped with the photographers for the film some. But, she enjoyed helping Ricky with his lines the most. She helped Dennis rehearse also. While Ricky was on the set, Billie would hang out with Dennis. Any time that it felt safe to ask questions about Ricky’s personal life, she made sure to do it. Dennis answered them to the best of his ability. He let it slip a few times how he truly felt about Lydia. She could tell he never approved of her. In order for Billie to find out more about Ricky’s past relationship with Lydia, she had to swear not to tell anyone. She gave her solemn promise. What she heard from Dennis was what she had thought to be true all along.

  It was the truth behind their fabricated marriage. Billie knew that they were not in love, but she could never testify to it. She looked forward to the day that Ricky would tell her himself.

  Billie had a lot of creative ideas for the film, so Ricky suggested that she tell the director. He agreed and discovered that she had a certain knack for it, and it would be a great idea to give her a small part in the movie. The best thing about it was she was in a scene with Ricky. Billie was usually shy and tried to avoid cameras, which was odd since she herself was a photographer. But, who could refuse this chance?

ter they were through filming for the night, Billie and Ricky were talking. The way the conversation began, Billie was thinking he was going to tell her something personal. What he did tell her was surprising, but not expected. It was way out in left field. He told her that he knew of someone that was attracted to her and wanted to ask her out. Obviously, it wasn’t Ricky, even though that is who she wanted more than anything. It was his brother, Dennis. Billie was mentally attracted to Dennis, but not physically. It was not the most important thing to her, but she preferred to date someone with the full package. She told Ricky she was only interested in being friends with him, and that she wasn’t looking.

  A few weeks in to production of the movie, Dennis was still pursuing Billie and trying to get her to notice him. She was not totally ignoring him, but she refused to get close to him. After Chris, she was somewhat afraid to get involved again. She was also covering up her dreams to be with Ricky. She didn’t want to tell him how she felt until he was ready for someone to come into his life.

  Once they were through filming all of the scenes, they returned to Hawaii. Billie received mail while they were gone. One letter was from Maria. She told her all about the award show that had past. Billie had planned on going to it, but had been with Ricky during the film. Maria didn’t understand what was really going on with Billie. She had to write her a letter to explain it better. She didn’t want Ricky to find out who she really was. Maria could accidentally expose it all.

  Dennis started coming to see Ricky a lot more since Billie was staying there. He had convinced Billie to go out with him just to have dinner or see a movie. She could at least do that, just a few times. But, once she started seeing Dennis on a regular basis and knew that Ricky may never ask her out, she too was beginning to like Dennis. That was really what she was afraid would happen. Dennis was very sensitive and was as sweet as Ricky. He wasn’t perfect, but Billie wasn’t exactly flawless. What she had no way of knowing was that Ricky was starting to see a different side to her as well.

  Chapter 4

  Ricky asked Billie to go horseback riding with him one day. She gladly accepted. They talked about business for a while. Then, they talked about the film release and all that went with it, advertisement wise. But, then Ricky asked her about her relationship with Dennis. He wanted to know how things were turning out. She wondered why he was so curious. She just assumed it was because Dennis was his younger brother. She told him that Dennis had invited her to come and stay with him in Tennessee for a few days. Ricky told her that was not a good idea. When she asked why, he told her that he needed her to be with him. She didn’t know if he was hinting around at something or if he really did need her there for business purposes. She decided to stay after all, for his sake. When she told Dennis her decision, he didn’t take it too well. She had to make sure he understood that her career came first.

  He wondered, “Are you sure that is all that comes first? Or is it my brother?”

  Billie didn’t mean to hurt Dennis’ feelings, but she had to do what was best for her involvement with the management of Ricky Todd. She soon found out one of the reasons she had to be there for Ricky. He had to go to New York. It was for appearances on some talk shows that Lydia had scheduled him for, a few weeks before she died. Billie didn’t know how Ricky would handle it. He seemed okay with it to her. It was Ricky’s fifth time in New York, but only Billie’s second. She thought about the chance to meet some of the talk show hosts. Plus, to see things she missed on her first trip there, so many years ago.

  After Ricky was through with all of his interviews and other special appearances, he and Billie took time out to have fun. They went to the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. They went to eat at one of Billie’s favorite restaurants. Afterwards, they went to see a Broadway play. Before they had to go to the airport, they took a trip to Central Park. They walked around for a while and talked. Billie thought it was a perfect bonding time for them. Maybe she would finally discover if she liked the real Ricky, behind the super star. Up until now, she was only in love with the idea of him, and could now see if it was true love. He liked talking, which she did, too. They also liked the same music, they had that in common. She wasn’t really as heavy in to Hank Williams as he was, but she did at least like his music. Ricky was also a major fan of westerns, which she never had a problem with. She couldn’t find a single thing that could turn in to a conflict between them. Except the fact that she was really a Photo-journalist, was about the only thing that could cause a rift.

  The time spent in New York was definitely not wasted. Ricky started to find all sorts of ways for them to hang out together, before and after work. Billie was the type who tired easily of certain routines. She was always ready for a new experience. But, being with Ricky every hour of every day was anything but dull. She was very content with that same pattern.

  They returned to Hawaii once again. Dennis was waiting for them with not the best 'Aloha.' Billie had told Ricky how she felt about Dennis and he told her he would have a little talk with him if he had a problem. They all sat down together to discuss a few things. One subject that came up was about Ricky’s tour schedule. Since Billie was the manager, she started off the conversation.

  She inquired, “Should we start his tour here or in Tennessee?”

  Dennis made the first suggestion. “I think he should forget about touring or make his fan club membership free. He doesn’t tour enough for his fans to see him anyway. He may even get more members like Andy Johnston did.”

  Billie was thinking the same thing. She remembered feeling like he should do that, too. She agreed, “I think that is something to consider. I was in enough fan clubs myself to know all about it.”

  Ricky pleaded, “I didn’t know that! Which ones?”

  Billie noted, “Well, Maria, Joy, Andy, Bobby Douglas, Chris Brady...”

  Ricky interrupted, “Anyone else?”

  Billie answered, “Yes. But, do I have to be in your fan club still, since I work for you?”

  Dennis mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, we don’t want to hear your pillow talk.”

  Ricky argued, “Dennis, let me speak to you in private. Stop doing this to yourself. It’s Kayla all over again. We are not going to fight over Billie. She has a mind of her own. She’s not a trophy we can throw around to see who is going to win.”

  Dennis replied, “Wait, did I miss something? When did you begin to like Billie? Did something happen in New York?”

  Ricky admitted, “Not what you are thinking. Not that it is any of your business. I do have feelings; I just don’t know what they are yet. She makes me feel alive.”

  Dennis informed, “She would be glad to hear that. Ever since she began working for you, she has been asking me questions all of the time about you. She probably only went out with me for one reason, because I am your brother.” Ricky didn’t say much. He hadn’t changed his mind about Billie, just because Dennis was 'playing tennis with his thoughts. Ricky joined Billie and then Dennis decided to leave early.

  They went ahead with the idea to schedule the tour. The first stop would be in Nashville. Billie realized too late that, that may have been a terrible idea. She had forgotten that her real identity could be discovered while they were there. Billie tried to keep a low profile. They were at a Nashville Coliseum rehearsing for Ricky’s first concert of his tour. She wondered who might show up unexpectedly. Someone did. It was nothing to worry about, so she thought. It was only Dennis. He came up to her and she said, “What are you doing here?”

  Dennis reported, “Keeping an eye on you. I don’t want my brother getting hurt. I know you will do the same to him that you have done to me.”

  She challenged, “Why do you think I will hurt him? Is it because I was not so quick to fall in love with you?” He stopped in his tracks when Ricky walked up to them. He told Ricky he’d talk to him later and to be careful.

  Ricky asked what that was all about and Billie said, “You know Dennis, just being a menace.”

>   Ricky asked Billie if she cared to go with him somewhere in town. Billie would rather know where, to be on the safe side, but didn’t want to make him suspicious. She agreed and hoped for the best of luck. The spot was not one uncommon to Billie, the local pool hall. All she could think of was the time she went with Bobby Douglas playing pool. She was up for some competition, since Ricky was extremely good at pool. He once played with one of the top pool 'kings.' She was thankful to Bobby for giving her some pointers. Now, she wouldn’t be so embarrassed playing against Ricky. Once they finished their first game, Ricky asked, “Billie, do you know Bobby Douglas?”

  She almost choked, “Why do you ask?”

  He warned, “Because he is right behind you.” Billie turned around and sure enough, he was standing there.